Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Whiteout and White Knuckled to Edmonsuck

So i must say, so far this week has been awesome! Well the magic began on Saturday night, at Cyler's Christmas party! Lots of cool people i don't know too well, but Shandell and Shannon were with me, and Trevor was there, and we got to play with a Wii!! hehehe, it was ridiculously fun. Then Sunday i worked h-core from 1pm to 2:30 am on 3 papers, worth 20%, 25% and 30% respectively, all due the following day. I am the Queen of Procrastination. After that academic bender, it was time for fun again! I hitched a ride with Trevor to go see Melissa and Sharon in Edmonsuck for a very brief spell! The drive up there started out beautifully, and i text-message my paranoid parents just after Red Deer: "Just left Ded Reer, Weather beautiful." About 3 minutes later, we hit snow. First it was very sticky snow, the flakes going through "precipitation puberty" and transforming into water on contact. It was very mucky, and we used LOTS of washer fluid. Then it progressed to full out whiteout conditions, and i truthfully got quite nervous. Trevor is a very good driver, and we made to Sharon and Melissa's open and loving arms, albeit slightly on edge and out of washer fluid. Melissa made us "Elk-a-getti" which consisted of ground elk, pasta sauce, salsa and spagetti, it was SO GOOD! And we played cards and ate cookies and enjoyed eachothers' presence! Then Sharon and i went for a romantic walk in the gently falling snow, up and down Whyte ave, which is beautifully lit. We came home, watched Heroes, and Melissa and Trevor took their turns walking through the winter wonderland. Then we watched a glorious amount of Scrubs! (i was honestly in heaven). Then we blew up the air mattress, strategically not all the way, so when someone got off the bed, you'd sink about 6 inches, and when they climbed back on, you were abruptly launched into the air! GOOD TIMES!!! Honestly, it was fun just goofing off and knowing my parents weren't going to come downstairs and tell us to go to bed! So me 'n Fluffy slept on the air mattress, keeping eachother warm, and sleeping in until a ridiculous time. Then there was more Scrubs, Melitrev made a McRomance run for us, and me and Trevor had to come back to Calgary!

Initially we were pleased with the sunny skies, though driving South proved bright. Then the snow started blowing across the highways at high speeds, making visibility, AGAIN an issue. I got a little nervous again, and Trevor asked if i would pray for our trip home. Shortly after we did that, the snow stopped blowing, and we were on our merry way again! Just before Lacombe, i felt the familiar shake of discontentment that a car makes when one of it's tires goes flat. So we rung for assistance, had a guy come help us replace the tire (since the traffic on the QE2 is ridiculously intimidating and unsafe), and were delayed by about an hour.

You know what was awesome about all that? How we relied on God. Prayer as a solution to problems. I remember doing that in junior high and high school... faith like a child. But i think through changes in friends and changes in ourselves, we've shyed away from it; that's not how we react to problems these days. We entered the teenage years...the developmental stage of "i'm invincible, i know it all, i don't need anyone's help" (That's exactally what Freud named this stage, trust me). Fortunately, i have less than a month left with the teen suffix, and i know that i can't rely on myself alone. I mean, i never lost my need for God in crisis situations (i mean come on, clinical), but i got used to the prayer under the breath thing. But verbalizing it, like we used to in youth group...it makes a difference.

Anywho, i need to study. Pediatrics final on Monday.

Thanks ^ 1000 to Melissa and Sharon, for their friendships and their hospitality! Thanks to Trevor for driving, and driving safely, and being awesome. And Thanks to God for bringing us "There and Back Again" safely!


At 12/06/2006 1:34 AM, Blogger YVR and his GLOWING FLAIL said...

Good times all around I'd say

At 12/06/2006 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can i be a part of the royal family of procrastinators?
political science term paper, due today at 10 am, but we can hand it in at 10 pm if we have to. under-developed topic. no thesis statement. limited resources. was up until 6am "writing", but all I really did was read some stuff, write a song, and get most of the way through crocheting a toque...touque... i forget how to spell touque. so now i have 2 exams tomorrow night and one the next morning that i have not studied for whatsoever. and i should be "writing" (synonymous with "b.s.-ing" at this moment in time") my term paper right now. worth 30%.

mmhmm. i'm a time management genius.

also, i'm glad that edmonton/edmonsuck/deadmonton was fun. and that you were safe driving in the snow. and i find it funny that you still didn't change the tire yourself. but it's ok. i probably would have copped out too. cold is cold. man, i miss you. that's probably why i am writing so much here. when i get back, i'm buying you a rootbeer paralyzer.


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