Saturday, November 25, 2006


I value honesty. I think this is one of the top things value in my friends (Other than their devastating good looks!). Really, looking back, the only times my friendships falter is when one of us isn't being honest with the other. I tend to get really annoyed when people hide things from me, because to me it feels like they don't think i can handle whatever it is their hiding, and i guess i take that personally. And i mean, of course i know i don't need to know everything that's going on in your life, and i hope i don't come off as snoopy. I don't think i pry people for information, and i think i've curbed my gossiping in recent years (though nursing is rather notorious for it). It's just, if you're intentionally hiding something from me that you think will hurt me, let me be the first to tell you this: i'll probably get over what you're hiding faster than the fact that you're hiding it.
I'm just tired of people trying to protect me, best intentions aside. Like when Shandell was afraid how i'd react when i found out she was was only 3 blocks away! Granted, that was years ago, and it's a poor example. There are more, but i'd rather not dredge up the past.
I'm on my way to being a nurse. In fact, in roughly 20 months time, i will actually BE an RN! Do you have any idea what i will face then? Life, death, and everything in between. People on the worst days of their lives. I face that now in the ICU, but as an RN i will be directly responsible for that patient's care, or if current health care trends persist, the direct care of 14 patients.
I can handle their life changes and challenges, what makes you think i can't handle yours?

Edit: The tendency to shelter me from things is now called the Flower Syndrome. It has afflicted many of my friends at one time or another, unfortunately i am the one that typically pays. Flower Syndrome involves treating me so delicately that we grow so distant that i come to know you only on a superficial level. In acute cases, it involves lying to me to cover up what you don't want me to know. The only cure for it is honesty. Happily, the recovery rate is very fast, and i'm happy to report that there is a 99% chance of a full recovery. However, without proper treatment and attention, the friendship in question may disintegrate beyond recognition.
You CAN stop the spread of Flower Syndrome!


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