Thursday, October 26, 2006

Too sweet?

This will be brief, because i SHOULD be studying, but i read something interesting last night. You know how as Christians, we're called to be salt?

"You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste (its strength, its quality), how can its saltness be restored? It is not good for anything any longer but to be thrown out and trodden underfoot by men."
Matthew 5:13 (Amplified Bible)

Have you ever used sugar instead of salt? Or salt instead of sugar? (Sorry Melissa, i don't mean this to be an attack on your cooking...) I imagine salt as authentic Christianity, truly loving God and loving others. Sugar is the rhetoric, the drama, the hypocracy that Christianity has become associated with. To the world, superficially, sugar and salt look the same. Yet clearly, once you've tasted them, they're radically different. Salt preserves what is good. Salt in an open wound stings, but it also heals. Sugar turns to fat and gives you cavities. I don't want to take this metaphor too much further, but you get my drift.

I wonder if i'm a little too sweet some days. Do i just say what i know people want to hear, to make them feel better about themselves? Am i sweet on the lips, but bitter in the stomach? Should i be a little saltier? Salt in an open wound stings, but it also heals. Preserve what is good. Be different.

Thoughts to ponder.

(Next week, tune in for the metaphor of the ketchup and mustard...)


At 10/26/2006 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a similar yet completely unrelated note, salt instead of sugar in your coffee tastes pretty freaking awful. All the confusion could be quickly done away with if someone would just get on that caffiene IV I so desperately need...
Good luck with the studying, see ya tomorrow!

At 10/28/2006 12:40 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

Salt, for cooking and in the righ perpotions should be used to bring out the natural flavours of the food. I think there is a lot to be said for one's own personality. and Christ in us coming out.

At 10/29/2006 11:54 PM, Blogger Fluffy said...

That's very very true Hayley. I do it too, not just in my cooking ( I've improved, really I have!) but also in real life. I think we are both somewhat humanists, and I think those types of people find it hard to be forthright in circumstances where someone will feel personaly offended. Sometimes it really is hard to ditinguish salt and sugar...they both add flavor, they both perserve. You need to make sure you're salting the things that need salting, and vice vesra (would you sugar a steak?, and a steak is far more valuable than a cookie..some might say) I think Ryan has a great point. Proportion is important. Have you ever had french fries with too much salt? pretty much gross, and probably not too healthy. They just get thrown in the garbage ( or if you're Trevor you wipe them off --- along with natural juices!..Its just not the same). I wonder if i'm making any sense. If not, I'm having a lot of fun, lol.


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