Wednesday, July 26, 2006

See you later, Alligator

Work called this morning.
"Good Morning Hayley, you know how you're working in the ICU from 3pm to 7pm on Friday and Saturday?"
"How would you like to come in from 7am to 7pm for both shifts instead?"
"They'll pay you overtime"
"Sign me up!"

So according to my calculations, starting at 3pm on July 27th, i will work 52 of the subsequent 96 God-given hours. 8 of those 52 hours will be blessed overtime, which i am ecstatic about.

On the plus side, i've spent my day off watching probably 3 hours of Scrubs, a coupla hours doing yoga for the first time with Andrea, Marisa and Stacey, 2.5 hours of talking on the phone withRyan while watching a cool lightning storm, AND, most importantly, the first >6 hour sleep i've had in a long time, due to this blasted heat wave.

Time is precious. and given that 36 of these hours will be pulled in the ICU, i'll likely learn how precious time is.

Next Monday Night...anyone willing to buy me a stiff drink if i make it through? I'm thinking the Earls Margarita Monday again.


At 7/27/2006 5:43 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

thought you were a paralyzer girl?

At 7/27/2006 6:20 PM, Blogger Nurse Hayley said...

You know me well Ryan, paralyzers are indeed one of my few alcoholic weaknesses. But i also cannot resist an ice-cold Mango-Raspberry margarita...mmmm...
But i'd definitely be up for sharing some paralyzers with you in August!

At 7/29/2006 9:46 PM, Blogger Cyler Parent said...

What about Apple-tini's?


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