Saturday, June 03, 2006

Two sightings! And it's only 10 am...

I love work. It has its perks.
Dr. Frank has dropped by my desk twice today! And it's only 10 am! I feel weird posting this, considering the doom and gloom of my previous posts. But still. He was flirty again today, i'm pretty sure i turned bright red. Mother of pearl...oh happy day!!! He's so funny too! Hopefully he'll stop by for a little longer next time...he just returned our fiberoptic laryngoscope... if he needs it again, I alone hold the key! (*tee hee*)
Who knows? Maybe he'll want to come to Africa with me!
What are you doing on Saturday, Dr. Frank?


At 6/03/2006 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how the words fiberoptic laryngoscope suddenly sound so sexy when Dr Frank, aka Doctor Delicious, is involved! Drool...

At 6/04/2006 5:35 PM, Blogger Cyler Parent said...

Only 10 AM! Everytime you talk about something from work, I always think about Scrubs.

At 6/05/2006 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you mind making up some excuse to take a picture of him? I'd like to see why this is always such an exciting event when you see him.

Thanks Hayley, appreciate it.

Love Barbara


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