Thursday, June 01, 2006

Short but sweet

Found on Relevant Magazine . com, enforced by medical sociology class, here for your thoughts.

"When a culture is run by people who only seem to be looking out for themselves, offering neither grace nor justice to those in their charge, those who do not hold power end up feeling isolated, disconnected and generally disenfranchised with the values the culture is selling. Thus, the disenfranchised majority is left only really trusting one thing: Themselves, and whatever pleasures they can use to self-medicate."

And speaking of Medication...

Here's an amazing article...i watched a lecture by Stephanie Nolen, she helped light this fire under me... take a gander, she spoke for 45 minutes about AIDS in Africa.

Here's a taste: Three-quarters of the people in the world with HIV/AIDS live in sub-Saharan Africa, and 90 per cent of those do not know they have it. Of the 30 million infected people on the continent, only 30,000 have access to the anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) that have made it a manageable, chronic condition in the first world.
The typical African is dead three years from the time he or she learns they have the disease. Some 9,600 people die of AIDS-related diseases in Africa every single day. That's the city of Nelson, B.C., dead each day.


At 6/02/2006 1:46 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

wow, that is aweful.
I never liked nelson though.


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