Wednesday, May 31, 2006

5-Year Plan

Thanks for all the awesome comments guys! they make me feel all warm and fuzzy-like :)
So, my title may remind you of Stalin and Communist Russia...but i do in fact have a tentative 5 year plan! It took history buff Shannon to point out the association to Stalin, but i still like the sound of my five year plan, and i'd like to share it with anyone who will listen.

Don't worry Nurse Dani, the first two years of this five year plan are finishing Nursing at U of C. If all goes well, i'll graduate in 2008. I know alot of keeners who want to graduate early, but i figure i'll savor my post-secondary time and stick around Calgary. THEN, after i graduate, i'm going as FAR AWAY from Calgary as i can. (correction: as far away from Calgary as my dad will let me go). Strangely enough, that's the Philippines! Yes, i'm going back to the mother one of many i guess. I want to visit all my cousins and aunts and uncles and neices and my GOD-DAUGHTER!! That's right, i'm a magic wand should get here in 6-8 weeks. Anyways, she's in Cebu, along with many family members i haven't seen since i was 8. So i'll go there, check it out, vacation, possibly work, though i doubt they'd want a fresh grad straight out of Nursing school. I figure a month in the Philippines should be good, maybe i'll hang out with Ryan if he's overseas doing missions.

Then i'll come home, MOVE OUT (tee hee), and work for two years in Calgary, because i do honestly love Calgary. I love that it's home base, and i love being home when people come home, because suddenly things i do everyday become extra special. For example, when Nurse Dani comes home in a few weeks, hanging out with her in the GORGEOUS summer months in Calgary will be special! (the lack of clinical will be icing on the cake). Anywho, i'll work here as an RN for two years i'd say. If i want to do the peri-operative program, and become an OR nurse, i will! I'll gain some experience here, and figure out my niche, most likely at the Foothills, cuz that feels like home too.

THEN, after two years, i'll pick up and go to Africa! Why wait two years? Cuz that's the minimal amount of experience Doctors Without Borders will accept for their missions. We had a lecture about AIDS in Africa last week, and i mean, i'm used to sermons about reaching out, but this was a lecture, and it spoke to the medical and social aspects of AIDS in Africa. I'll do a huge post/rant on it a little later, when i have time, but WOW. So much can be done, and i feel like i could do so much there! Anyways, i'll start out with a 9 month mission, and work my way from there.

More later, but the things that i'm allowing for flexibility in this plan are:

  • OR nurse? ER Nurse? ICU? Pediatrics?
  • winning the lottery?
  • wherever God calls me to go...this is what i feel is the plan for now, but if He wants it to change, it'll change
  • Someone who wants to be more than friends? I've shared this plan with Ryan, who pointed out that i can't get married since boys don't travel well. I'm glad i'm starting all this stuff young, i mean, i'll be in Africa by the time i'm 23/24...that's pretty cool. Anyways, if you're a guy who's interested in serving God in sketchy places and hanging out with an over-enthusiastic nurse...leave a comment! LOL, quasi-kidding.

Thing is, i don't know how my family feels about this. The Philippines is ok with dad, since he can have my relatives act as body-guards. But the last time i brought up Africa, i got a class "Over my dead body" response. Hmmm. That's my major barrier right now, and i'm not going to let it stop me. I'm not that flexible.

WHOO! That's a long one! More later, love you all!

PS. Guess what? My trip to the Philippines will serve as prerequisite experience for overseas MSF (Doctors Without Borders) work. And they accept people with only one year of experience...though i'll probably take me two to build up the funds for all this. Looking at their "Essential Requirements", i already have 8 of the 12. Hooray for a valid passport!


At 5/31/2006 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's very much like you, m'dear. All organized like. Sounds like a solid plan to me. Why don't we talk more about Africa if we both want to go there? Then again, we do have a long week of lying on the beach ahead of us. There will be time then. But Kudos on the plan.

Ryan's right. Boy's don't travel well. They'll only slow you down anyways, unless you both want to do the same thing. So I say you should convert to being an asexual organism.

Love Barbara

I am a C
I am a C-O
I am a C-O-M-M-U-N-I-S-T with a 5 year plan...

At 6/01/2006 2:05 PM, Blogger Cyler Parent said...

I so found your blog!

Anyways... I think when it comes to the whole family thing... you are a young woman... your father is going to have to accept the fact that you eventually will run your own life. :P


At 6/01/2006 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you had BETTER be sticking around in Calgary until you graduate...and YAY for summer-months Calgary with no clinical! What will I DO with myself?! Hee, and it's mildly amusing that you have the plan to work in Alberta for 2 years for the whole MSF requirement, since that's pretty much the same thing that I'm intending to do! Let's go to Africa and save the world, Hayley! Woot woot! And yeah, about the personal opinion is that after you move out you really don't answer to them anymore. Besides, if going to Africa is what God has called you to do, it'll work out, eh? On a side note, I am soooooo over-caffienated and climbing-euphoria'd out! Typing so hurts my wrists...

At 6/02/2006 1:38 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

Hey, why is my name being dropped so much here??
well its true.... an extra person is more cost for luggage.... oh and they have eat. and apparently you have to keep um clean.
Boy's are expensive pets. not worth it.


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