Sunday, May 28, 2006

Golden Girls!

So, this weekend was varying degrees of awesome! Babysat a very cute 13 month old, celebrated an AWESOME birthday with Jo! (Happy 20th Girl!) and went up to Golden, B.C. with Shandell, Shannon and Melissa! We stayed in Shandell's GOREGOUS chalets near Kicking Horse, and had a blast watching scrubs, goofing off, dancing, having bubble baths (seperately), and just generally having a good time! Then today we went to Radium hot springs, also super fun. I rekindled my love for swimming, and decided to dive off the diving board -> SUPER FUN!! just a low board, but it was fairly awesome, until the last dive, where i CRANKED MY NECK really badly. For anyone who cares, i think i have about 30 degrees of motion lateral rotation, full rotation to the right. I have almost full neck flexion (pretty stiff), but extention is a BUGGER. (i can't really look left or up.) But other than that, my weekend was awesome! hopefully pictures will be soon to follow!


At 5/28/2006 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet blog man. I'm excited to read your future posts. We live about 3 minutes from eachother, but sometimes I never see you, and I miss you. So this way, I can see what you are doing when I don't see you. I hope that was literate. Anyways, this whole not-being-able-to-look-left thing is coincidentally funny, because you're like Zoolander. Can't turn left. So here's the solution to your problem. Become an internationally recognized super model, dress up in garbage, get on a runway and perform martial arts, and then attempt to assassinate a prominent world leader who is preferrably Asian. If Zoolander is indeed a true story, then this should work. Good Luck, let me know how that goes.

Love Barbara

At 5/30/2006 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHHHHH, nursing terminology!! Oh, how I miss my Alberta and all the smartnessocity that comes along with it (neologisms, anyone?)! Just as I was whining to myself about how NO ONE updates their msn myspace anymore, I saw your blogspot address thingo and can once again feel vicariously involved in Calgary life...woot woot! So glad to hear that you're having an awesomely fun time, and I will be in Calgary by June 12th...mark your calender! Aw, and it is so awesome to get another dose of the classic Hayley analogy, those things tend to have me in stitches as I realize how freakily true they are. Yay for the articulate among us that can put wordiness to our suffering! Can ya tell I haven't had coffee yet? I get all weird when that happens. Anyways, much love, and I'll see ya soon!


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