Wednesday, May 24, 2006

First Post...Witty-ness pending

So. I've converted from the MSN space. I want people NOT enslaved to the messenger world to be able to read my valuable opinions. Right now there are precious few i suppose. What do you need to know? I'm a Student Nurse, going into my Third year of Nursing.

Sorry. I blanked out there for a few lines. I'm HALF done Nursing. It feels like i just graduated! Truth be told, i DO love it. I know it's what i'm supposed to be doing. I feel like i'm climbing up the ladder to the REALLY high diving board, and i'm being shouted instructions about how to dive and swim as i'm climbing. Rather exciting really. Sometimes my feet slip, and sometimes i block out some useful information. (i'll blame it on water in my ears). The alarming part right now, is that i'm halfway up the ladder, and that come those RN exams in two years, i'll be graded on my success. 10.0 anyone? (hope there's no French judges...just kidding!)
I'm blushing from my recent success though...totally rocked my Medical Sociology Midterm, 96% BABY! I guess if Nursing falls through, i could have a lucritave career as a medical sociologist...after another 8 years of graduate studies. Hmmm... that'll happen when i scrape myself off the dry pool bed, climb out of the drained pool, and start again at the bottom of the ladder. See, right now i'm thinking God has filled the pool up for me. I know He's going to give me plenty to swim through, and I know it's not going to be easy alot of the time. But i have faith that He'll throw me the occassional life-raft/PFD/Water wings. Man those were cool.

So that's kind of a preview to a typical blog post by me. Throw in a couple of quasi-lame analogies, some random references, and probably some song lyrics in the future. Anyone who's willing to subject themselves to the innerworkings of my mind...props to you!
I started this blog in hopes of more comments than my MSN (lame) space! I welcome many many comments!
PS: Andrea, did you like the swimming references?! I know if i need a lifeguard to jump in and save me, i can look to you too!


At 5/29/2006 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many many.


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