Monday, July 03, 2006

Canada Day Festivities

So the above is a picture from my Canada Day party, shortly after midnight, as we were having a dance party in my family room! It was incredible amounts of fun! Unfortunatly i didn't get any pictures beforehand, when more people were around, but we ate marvelous beef on a bun and played Hoopla and Mafia and watched the fireworks, and it was just a genuinely good time!

Church was good on Sunday too, despite my fatigue from the previous night. And i had coffee with a friend from Church, who was also at the Canada day party. He had just met most of my friends, and commented on how great my friends seem. They don't just seem great, i realized, they really are great! And i'm truly thankful for all my friends, including people who have left for the summer, and people who are leaving in September. i'm choosing not to freak out over change, but just to roll with it, and to use it as incentive to spend as much quality time with people as i can!

I really needed this Canada day party to just remind myself that life is good. I needed a short escape from the OR and the ICU, where to a certain extent it is doom and gloom. I don't want to rant about it here, it probably woudn't be professional of me either. And i do love my job(s). I've just been living the life of extremes this summer, i guess you could say. Extreme hard work with my spring course and work, Extreme relaxation and affluence in California, Extreme sleep depravation and stress in the ICU, and extreme fun on Canada day! When you're at one end of the spectrum, you can really appreciate the other.

Thanks for a wonderful Canada Day everyone, and i leave you with this ominous hint towards the future...

Bastille Day is less than two weeks away...


At 7/03/2006 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yaaaay for Canada day party and wonderful beef on a bun! I'm sorry I missed the dance partay, but my whole lack of being able to comfortably breathe gets in the way sometimes. Don't you just love it when people with cold whine about it? Anyhow, it was AWESOME to see you again, Hayley, and yeah, it seems like you did need some time to have fun and not be in ICU/OR mode. Oh, and I got home safe! Yay! Something horrible happened though...I killed a bunny, which I named Snuffles post-humously. I almost cried I was so traumatized, and now I'm convinced that there's bunny blood on my muffler. SOB! Hope you're doing well, talk to you later!


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