Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Transparency and Tithing

Alot of people think of transparency as a bad thing. Like in a certain episode of Scrubs, Elliot feels invisible to Dr. Cox, when all she craves is to be treated like a colleague (Season 2, My Big Mouth). In the next epidsode, she gets a rather sketchy reputation, and while she's at first upset about her new label, she becomes content with the fact that at least she's not invisible anymore (My New Coat). My personal favorite line: "Elliot Reid: SLUT"

Really, i don't think transparency is such a bad thing. I guess i don't get ignored very often, and i'm really talking about a different kind of transparency. I love hanging out with people i can be transparent with. I don't have to worry about putting on a happy face, or an intellectual facade. I love having close friends who can honestly see right through me, right down to where my heart is, or where my intentions lie. Like when i talk with Shandell, and we know without saying that we're in nursing for more than the money or the career. Or when i talk with Melissa about kids, and how special they are and how fun they are to work with. Or when Ryan and i discuss what's going on in our Churches or in our relationships. Or when i talk to Andrea and Barbara and Sharon and Cyler about going to Africa. I don't have to be afraid of what they think, i know they're not going to mock my dreams. I know they might even share in them. If i'm having a bad day, i can be transparent around these people, and i can let it show. Its so much easier to be real around you. (The preceeding list was not exclusive, i'm ridiculously blessed to have many MANY friends i can be real with.)

But i want to be transparent to the world too. I wish that when i do something for the right reasons, people could see that i'm doing it for God. I wish they could see that i'm motivated by serving Christ, not myself. I want people to see my heart, and to know that its been changed. Of course, being transparent would make it easier because i wouldn't have to say anything about my faith. And it would be harder if people could see my heart 24/7, because when i sin, they'd see it as a poor reflection of Christ. Accountability to the extreme. The beautiful part is the emphasis of grace. How we react to things, how we extend God's grace upon us to others, that's crucial. Actions reflect where the heart reflect. So maybe i can just trust that my actions will reflect where my heart is.

Oh, and a Sobering fact for the day for all of you: The Power of Giving
"If Christians had given the traditional 10 percent of their income to their churches in 2004, instead of the 2.56 percent that they actually gave, there would have been an additional $164 BILLION available, according to a report released in October called "The State of Church giving through 2004". If the churches chose to funnel just $70-$80 billion of that additional income to missions and humanitarian works, the basic needs of every person on the globe would be provided."

It's weird, we're mostly adults now. I'm turning 20 in January, and i have my own income now. I can't just fish into my piggy bank once a week and pull out a couple of bucks to sacrifice from my candy money. I remember Donald Miller addressed this topic at the end of Blue Like Jazz, and to be honest, its been bugging me ever since i read it. This little tidbit bugs me even more. I figured i shouldn't be alone in my frustration, so i decided to let you'all in on it. Thanks for reading my ramblings.


At 11/22/2006 5:52 PM, Blogger Cyler Parent said...

Tithing is somthing I have a really hard time doing. I know my church needs the money I should be giving. Something I have been challenged with multiple times this week.


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