Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas party '06!

Hey all!
So my Christmas party was last night, and loads of fun! Mum outdid herself, and made an amazing meal for everyone! I did my best to assist, but i mostly cleaned and set-up. Ryan, Dani Hampton, Andrea and Stacey all came early to help prepare, and pretty soon it was time to eat! Well, the food was all laid out, and everyone was salivating and wanted to eat, but my designated grace-sayer was delayed! So Shandell blessed the food and we dug in! I loved it because we just all crammed around my giant dining room table, around 11 of us! Most people actually came a little later, and we kept mum's awesome food warm in chafing dishes. We tried to watch the Flames game, but grew discouraged at San Jose's ability to trounce us. We tried playing Cranium, but it was soon abandoned in favor of socialization, which is really what the priority is of the party. I ran around like crazy, passing out presents and refilling drinks and melting chocolate for the gloriousness that was the chocolate fountain!! Bernard Calebeaut chocolate melts wonderfully! I never get to talk to as many people as i'd like to, and i'm thankful for those friends of mine who can entertain themselves and others.

All in all, a great party! Special thanks to Shandell, Sharon, Barbara and Ryan for sticking around after to help clean up (though i think this was motivated by the vast amounts of melting chocolate) and thanks to Stacey for helping me get ready before the party! Pictures will come later!


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