Sunday, September 24, 2006

Pinch me

"It's the perfect time of year...somewhere far away from here..."

Wow. it's been two weeks since i posted. i've wanted to on several occassions, because believe me, i've had alot of "blogworthy" things happen over the past 13 days. But if you're reading this and i talk to you often, i want to tell you, in person, or over the phone if you're outside of Cowtown. Blogs are awesome, but if they keep you from being curious about my life, or keep you from calling and checking up on me, then they're no good. Just know that i am well, i am excited, and i'm working uber hard at third year nursing. My first week was like being hit over the head by a 2x4, so overwhelmed was i. More about that later i suppose.

I hope you're all well, don't hesitate to call me, but i might not be home, just ask Andrea :S. But i will try to get back to you.

Monday, September 11, 2006

New Beginnings

On Saturday, Allie and Wes got married! I went to Junior High and High School with Allie. She is amazing. Look up "All-Star" in the dictionary, and her gorgeous picture would be there. Volleyball extrordinare. Genius in the classroom. I could go on and on, Allie, i love you dearly, and it's been my honor to be your friend these last few years! And my double honor to be a witness to your marriage!
Jo was one of the beautiful bridesmaids, and she co-ordinated an on-the-spot dance party with the little flowergirls on the dancefloor. The speeches were perfect and beautiful, and Allie's song brought tears to my eyes and a standing ovation from the entire room. *sigh* it was beautiful. Special thanks to Kevin for being my arm-candy for the event! The night wouldn't have been complete without your patented "white boy shuffle".

Needless to say, it was an exciting way to start off the school year! And by far, the best wedding of the summer! (i can legitimatly say that, i went to four.) One of the highlights was when Jo turned to me, and said "Hayley, we're old now. We're of marrying age. And we're single! *cheers!*"
Blessings to both Allie and Wes, and your new lives together!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Summer Summary

It's been almost a month! What has happened in that month? I worked full time either in the ICU or the OR, same as last month. I was scheduled for a 6 day vacation to go to Saskatchewan with my family for a relative's wedding. But i got called in for the first day and last day... so it was four days off, 6 days in a row. Then one day off. I "could" say no, but what with me paying tuition this year, and this being the last paycheque i'll get before school starts, i couldn't resist. So this past week CRAMMED with work and goodbyes. Sorry, i mean "see you laters", those are less painful. It was honestly a person a day. So to Barbara, Andrea, Sharon, Melissa, Ryan and Kevin, thanks for the kicken summer, and i'll see you later! Looking back, these six are among those who made my summer memorable and enjoyable, and i'm glad that we had this time together! The Margarita Mondays, the general mischief, the movies and the summer drives. And I'm VERY glad i have free long distance, once i update my phone with you're new numbers, i'll have lots of phone dates and reasons to visit exotic places, like Saskatoon and Langley! AND My Christmas party will be QUITE the reunion!
But it's time to turn around, get back into the learning mode, dust off the medical dictionary and my stethescope, and start school in a week! Third year nursing people! YIKES! This round i have a bit more of an idea of my specialty...i've chosen to start with a stint in the Intensive Care Unit, to gain some learning experience. I'd LOVE to get a graduate nurse position with them next summer! I want to get some solid nursing skills and experience under my belt before trying to travel, or trying for the Operating Room. As many people tell me, it's a good place to work when you're young and don't have a family to commit to yet. And it's the only time of your life when your body/mind can handle it. So that's the goal.
I'm VERY excited for people to come back here too! The highlights of this week will be seeing Jo hopefully in the near future, seeing Nurse Dani on Sunday, and somewhere in between, slowing down and catching up with Marisa! OH, and of course, the highlight will be Allie's wedding on Saturday! I'm definitely bringing kleenex, she's going to look so beautiful!
I hope everyone's transitions are going as well as mine this september...I guess it's not THAT much of a transition for bank account is going to feel it more than me...and i'll still be working at a hospital around 4 times a week, which will be a nice change from the previous 8. Because you know you're at a hospital too much if the residents say you work too much :S.