Thursday, March 22, 2007

Something New...x 2!

So...i got a job! That was probably the best interview of my life, i had plenty of examples from the OR and the ICU...
"Describe a stressful situation and how you dealt with it" -

"Well, a surgeon called as they were doing CPR on a patient en route to the OR and needed a room AT THAT MOMENT... there were no rooms, nurses, or anesthetists at that moment. that was stressful. I handled it."

ok next question...

"Are you a good multi-tasker?"

"In the ICU, i've been seen with a phone pressed to each ear, talking into the intercom, listening to my charge nurse, telling patients' families where to go, paging for x-rays, entering orders... in short, yes, i can multi-task."

The interview went on like that. we talked about the shortage, education, people we'd both worked with, pediatrics, England, ICU, the OR... then he gave me a tour of the units, and offered me a job at the end!
He said: "if you can handle over a year in the ICU and the OR, i have no concerns about you working here!"

So i have a new job on Unit 111 of FMC. I'll be an Undergraduate Nursing Employee, which means i'm like an RN with less experience and half the pay... The unit is primarily Neuro, so i'll be dealing with lots of brains and spines and stuff. Should be AWESOME!

Yes...the other new item... let's just say i never envisioned "Kiss Me i'm Irish" to be the greatest pick-up line ever! No, i didn't drunkenly pick up anyone at the pub. But on St. Patrick's day, Devin and i started dating. He won me over with a bottle of Bailey's with Caramel! Just kidding. He won me over by being sweet and showing that he cares and laughing with me and calming me down when i start to rage about community nursing (a common occurrence...) He has faith that i'll make it to Birmingham, and he laughs whenever i see a child, because it's so clear how much i want to do pediatrics. He respects me, respects my faith, and understands what's important to me, like friends, faith, family, and nursing!

I know we might seem like an odd couple, but we're happy and having fun, so it's all good!

1 month and 21 days...still no word from Birmingham.


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